Bill Cosby: Los escalofriantes testimonios de 35 de sus víctimas

Actualizado: miércoles, 29 julio 2015 11:10

   MADRID, 28 Jul. (CHANCE) -

   Han hablado. ¿Quiénes te preguntarás? Pues 35 de las 46 víctimas del conocido y popular actor de los 80, Bill Cosby. Desde que se destapara el caso de sus abusos sexuales a todas estas mujeres, la vida del actor daba un vuelco de 180º.

   El actor admitió bajo juramento haber drogado a varias mujeres con las que quería mantener relaciones sexuales a través de unas pruebas de 2005 donde lo confesaba todo. Pero su historial de depredador sexual era mucho más extenso. No hay más que ver la portada de The New York Magazine, donde todas estas mujeres han revelado sus crudas experiencias con Bill Cosby. 

   Sin duda, tras la impresionante portada en la que se puede leer: "Bill Cosby, las mujeres. Una hermandad no deseada", la revista nos ha impresionado con su labor de recolección de todas estas testigos que no han dudado en hablar de como el intérprete de El show de Bill Cosby las violaba, pues seguía para muchas de ellas un un modus operandi claro: primero las llamaba para dar clases de interpretación, luego las drograba y finalmente las violaba, sin duda el reportaje es escalofríante.

   Y es que el tema parecía haber quedado en un segundo plano, enterrado por la vorágine de las noticias de actualidad, hasta que el bombazo de esta revista ha vuelto a traerlo a la primera plana.


   La actividad de agresiones sexuales por parte de Cosby a las mujeres se remonta desde los años 60. No hay más que ver el abanico de edades de todas las víctimas que han querido revelar su identidad en la revista. También sorprende la diferente variedad de mujeres, demostrando que el actor no tenía una preferencia por una víctima en concreto.

   Pero no solo testimonios escritos es lo que hemos podio ver en la revista. Usando las diversas redes sociales de las que disponemos en pleno 2015, también existen vídeos y audios de las propias víctimas que han hecho el esfuerzo de abandonar el anonimato para decir que ahí están, que son reales.

   "En 2005, Bill Cosby aún tenía el control de los medios de comuniación. En 2015, nosotros tenemos en 2015 a las redes sociales. No podemos desaparecer. Estará online y no podrá desaparecer", asegura una de las víctimas en los años 70, Tamara Green


   Pero no ha sido la única, Janice Dickinson, Barbara Bowman, Joyce Emmons, Louisa Moritz, Victoria Valentino, son algunos de los pocos nombres que nos han puesto los pelos de punta. Por ejemplo el testimonio de Barbara Bowman, víctima del Cosby de entre los años 1985 a 1987.

Janice Dickinson, 60, a model, was allegedly assaulted by Bill Cosby in 1982. Cosby invited then-28-year-old Dickinson to Lake Tahoe, saying he had a possible acting opportunity for her. They dined together, and he gave her a pill to take with a glass of wine. "I woke up the next morning, after the incident, with my entire life altered forever, knowing that Bill Cosby had raped me. There was no one there to protect me. I held this inside of my soul for years and years and years. It shouldn't happen to any person, man, woman, or child. The right thing to do is to tell my story, truthfully, the disgusting and humiliating details, blow by blow, that I can share and hopefully stop this man from ever, ever, ever doing it again." Tap the photo to hear Janice Dickinson tell her story, and watch her video interview at ??: Amanda Demme of @janicedickinson

Un vídeo publicado por New York Magazine (@nymag) el

Barbara Bowman, 48, an artist and ambassador with PAVE (Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment), was allegedly assaulted by Bill Cosby from 1985 to 1987. Bowman was a 17-year-old model and an aspiring actress when her agent introduced her to Bill Cosby in Denver in 1985. Cosby offered to mentor Bowman. The comedian flew her to celebrity events and performances across the country. He eventually moved her to New York City and then Long Island, while she took acting classes in the city. In New York, Cosby drugged and raped Bowman repeatedly; she didn’t realize for two years what was happening. "Since 2005, and especially in the last several months, I have changed a lot. I had no idea that we'd now be looking at almost 50 women who are in the same situation, who have stories, who are not being listened to. When I heard the news that Bill Cosby admitted in a deposition that he had gotten quaaludes and drugs to drug young women, it was like 28 years of silence went bye-bye. It's about time that people sat up and listened. With all of the enablers and Cosby defenders in the world, I believe we have turned the page from one chapter to the next." Tap the photo to hear Barbara Bowman tell her story, and watch her video interview at ??: Amanda Demme

Un vídeo publicado por New York Magazine (@nymag) el

Joyce Emmons, 70, was allegedly assaulted by Bill Cosby circa 1979. Emmons managed a comedy club and became friends with Cosby. They had known each other for about two-and-a-half years when Emmons and her friend went out to a club with Cosby and one of his friends. “I had a terrible headache, and I said, ‘Bill, do you have some Tylenol? I have a mother of a headache.’ And he said to me, ‘I have something stronger.’ And I said, ‘You know I don’t do drugs.’ He said, ‘You’re one of my best friends. Would I hurt you?’ And I believed him. All I remember is taking the pill; I don’t remember going to bed. But I do remember waking up in a fog and opening my eyes, and I had no clothes on, and there was Bill’s friend totally naked in bed with me. I said, ‘What the F did you give me?’ He said, ‘Oh, you had a bad headache, you were in so much pain. I gave you a quaalude.’ I was hurt with Bill more than angry at his friend. Bill let him take advantage of me. That kills me. That’s why I know the stories of what he did to the other women are true, because if he didn’t have the respect for me, who was really a close friend, then he could do that to anybody he didn’t know very well.” Tap the photo to hear Joyce Emmons tell her story, and watch her video interview at

Un vídeo publicado por New York Magazine (@nymag) el

Louisa Moritz, 68, an actress, was allegedly assaulted by Bill Cosby in 1971. Moritz was getting ready to appear on the 'Tonight Show' when someone opened the door of her dressing room. “He never knocked. I knew it was Mr. Cosby. I'd seen his picture. He walked in and closed the door behind him. It went on for maybe four minutes, five minutes. But it was the longest five minutes that I ever experienced. And when they called my name, he ran out. When he walked down the stage, he introduced himself as Louisa Moritz. And then a huge laugh. When they called me to go onstage, I was a zombie. He didn't look at me while we were on the show. I didn't look at him. I just felt him. I was afraid to tell anybody. I knew who Mr. Cosby was and that prevented me from telling anybody. I felt ashamed. I was embarrassed to be me." Tap the photo to hear Louisa Moritz tell her story, and watch her video interview at

Un vídeo publicado por New York Magazine (@nymag) el

Victoria Valentino, 72, a former Playboy bunny, was allegedly assaulted by Bill Cosby in 1969. Valentino was dining with her roommate at their usual joint, Café Figaro, where Cosby happened to be part owner. He knew that Valentino’s 6-year-old son had recently died, and he told Valentino’s friend that he thought she could use some cheering up. "He took my roommate and me out to dinner. It was this new hip steak restaurant on the strip near the Whiskey a Go Go called Sneaky Pete’s. He was chatting her up and trying to charm her. And he reached across and put a pill next to my wine glass and said, ‘Here, this will make you feel better,’ and he gave her one. I wasn’t really thinking. I thought, Great, me feel better? You bet. So I took the pill and washed it down with some red wine. And then he reached across and put another pill in my mouth and gave her one. Just after I took the second pill, my face was, like, face-in-plate syndrome, and I just said, ‘I wanna go home.’ He said he would drive us home. We went up this elevator. I sat down, and lay my head back, just fighting nausea. I looked around and he was sitting next to my roommate on the loveseat with this very predatory look on his face. She was completely unconscious. I could hear the words in my head, but I couldn’t form words with my mouth, because I was so drugged out." Tap the photo to hear Victoria Valentino tell her story, and watch her video interview at

Un vídeo publicado por New York Magazine (@nymag) el

   Ella se sentía como una prisionera, porque claro, ¿quién iba a creer que Bill Cosby había abusado de ella? "Me sentía avergonzada. Me daba vergüenza ser yo", comentaba Louisa Moritz. Y así una larga lista de los 35 testimonios de las mujeres víctimas del actor.

   Por el momento, el protagonista de toda esta historia no se ha pronunciado al respecto pero sin duda, su imagen vuelve a ser puesta en tela de juicio. Un duro revés para una de las estrellas que se comía el mundo en los años 80.

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