La oposición siria acuerda reunirse con el Gobierno en enero

Actualizado: jueves, 10 diciembre 2015 21:54

RIAD, 10 Dic. (Reuters/EP) -

Los grupos de la oposición siria reunida en Riad para unificar posturas de cara a un eventual diálogo de paz se encontrarán con el Gobierno de Bashar al Assad en los diez primeros días de enero, según ha informado este jueves un portavoz.

The Islamist insurgent group Ahrar al-Sham has signed up to a Syrian opposition statement issued after two days of talks in Riyadh, according to a copy of the statement seen by Reuters, despite earlier saying it had pulled out of the meeting.

The conference in Saudi Arabia of political activists and rebel groups agreed to set up a joint body to prepare for proposed peace talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government.

Abdulaziz al-Sager, who chaired the meeting, told a news conference that an opposition delegation would meet government officials in the first 10 days of January.