Actualizado 26/09/2011 03:02
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Results of a New Multi-national Survey, Endorsed by International Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) (y 2)

According to the survey, there are many countries where sex education is not provided. Overall in Europe around half of respondents receive sex education (55%) compared to three quarters in Latin America (78%), Asia Pacific (76%) and the USA (74%) and in some European countries, considerably less than half were taught about sex in school (Latvia 34%, Slovenia 35%, Turkey 21%). In Egypt only 12% of young people received any sex education in school. Even in areas where young people are more likely to receive sex education, there are reports of teachers providing information about contraception that the respondents later realised was inaccurate or untrue (Colombia 29%, Estonia 18%, Korea 16%, Great Britain 14% and Mexico 14%) or of the environment at school not being conducive to asking questions about sexuality and intimacy (Asia Pacific 22%, Europe 20%, Latin America 14%).[2]

With the exception of Kenya, Uganda and Egypt, in all regions websites and blogs are the preferred source of information on contraception. Within Europe, with the exception of France and Italy, over half of young people use the internet to get information about contraceptive options.[2]

Denise Keller, TV presenter and producer from Singapore and member of the WCD Youth Task Force, said: "No matter where you are in the world, barriers exist which prevent teenagers from receiving trustworthy information about sex and contraception, which is probably why myths and misconceptions remain so widespread even today. When young people have access to contraceptive information and services, they can make choices that affect every aspect of their lives which is why it's so important that accurate and unbiased information is easily available for young people to obtain - either online or via educational materials they can take home or carry around with them."

World Contraception Day 2011 has been initiated and financed by Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals

1. Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals. Data on file. Talking Sex and Contraception Survey. Fieldwork carried out by TNS Healthcare. July 2009

2. Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals. Data on file. Clueless or Clued Up: Your Right to be informed about contraception Survey. Fieldwork carried out by GFK Healthcare. April - May 2011

3. Singh, S et al. Unintended Pregnancy: Worldwide levels, trends and outcomes. Stud Fam Plann. 2010; 41(4): 241-250

4. WHO 10 facts on sexually transmitted infections, WHO Fact File (Last accessed: August 2011)

5. Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals. Data on file. Contraception: Whose responsibility is it anyway? Survey. Fieldwork carried out by GFK Healthcare. May 2010


CONTACT: For further information, please contact: Hannah Morris,Associate Director, Ketchum Pleon, Phone: +44-207-611-3579,


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